Saturday, July 28, 2012

People are pretty serious about their fried chicken!

Okay can we just discuss the ENORMOUS debate that has started due to the fact that Chick-Fil-A came out against homosexuals. Like holy shit are people getting pissed. The ironic part is that the dumb-ass Conservative Republicans feel the need to protect this company.Okay I get it...they were started by Christians and have a Christian CEO and Christians don't really...favor the put it lightly. And honestly everyone is entitled to their opinions. The real problem is that Chick-Fil-A is taking millions of dollars that they make each year and donating it to anti-gay organizations such as The WinShape Foundation, Exodus International and Family Research Council. The Exodus International website poses the question 
 "Will you help us to bring a message of Biblical truth and Christ-like compassion to a world impacted by homosexuality?" 

Um let me think about thanks. And also how about this little gem from the Family Research Council...

"Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed.  It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects."

Okay...first of all a lot of what we do now is "unnatural" I'm assuming none of these people who work for the Family Research Council (FRC) take or use any form of birth control...because guess what?! That's unnatural. Also it has negative physical and psychological health effects? Really? Because I'm pretty sure the electro-shock therapy and "straight camps" which are both used to "change" someone from gay to straight have worse psychological effects that actually being gay. Also the term psychological health effects doesn't make fucking sense. Not that anything on their entire website makes any sense. So that's nice... Okay so they also have a link to a pamphlet you can buy called "The Top Ten Harms of Same Sex Marriage" Let me just give that a chance to sink in...One of their reasons is that we would be able to put our partners as dependents on our taxes. The argument they use to support that is when the tax code was written dependents were only intended to be children and stay at home mothers. So...if you don't fit into either of those categories you're shit out of luck. It makes perfect sense to abide to these guidelines that were written who knows when instead of growing and adapting as a society. Right.... So that's may take on the Chick-Fil-A business...ignorant and useless. AND their food isn't that good and horrible for you. So basically they can suck a fat one for all I care...
Peace out 

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