Wednesday, October 26, 2011

love this...

Miss Representation

It's been a couple of days but I'm back to blogging! I didn't really have much to talk about for the past few days but after watching Miss Representation on the OWN network I definitely have some things to say! Miss Representation is a documentary that explores the skewed way the media portrays women. Especially women who possess power that they have obtained through intellect. The film points out how the majority of female role models that young American girls are exposed to everyday through media, are somehow sexualized. The media is basically showing girls and women that they only thing we are good for is to look beautiful and be "arm candy" for the men who hold the "true power." It was really eye opening to see that the idea of the media telling or convincing women that they are only good at certain things begins very young in life. The media markets certain things towards little girls (such as play kitchens, Barbies and baby dolls) and certain things towards little boys (such as tools, cars, and sport oriented things) It also explored the idea that as women we feel like we have come so far but in actuality the media and society has only made us think we've come far. Regardless of how much we think society has changed when push comes to shove we still only get paid seventy seven cents to the dollar that men make. We expect our young girls to grow up and go to school and have amazing careers but who do we give them to look up to? The whole purpose of the film was to open the eyes to men and women and show them that we still need to change. We need to take control of the media's portrayal of women and we need to begin to be taken seriously and be on par with men.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not much to say...

Today was a pretty lack luster day to say the least. I got up around 7:20 as usual and went to work at Jamba Juice on my campus. It was sooo slow so not much was accomplished but it went by pretty quickly. Its been raining here for about 48 hours straight and it finally started letting up today. I had class then came back home and slept for hours. And it also finally started cooling down! We're getting a little taste of the fall weather in Florida. Not much else happened today. I have a day off tomorrow so I will be sleeping and maybe hitting up the beach depending on the weather! Also thinking about getting my very first tattoo this weekend! A small equal sign on my left ring finger to show my support for the legalization of gay marriage. I'm really excited about it and I hope I'll be able to get it this weekend. Let's not forget tomorrow is Spirit Day so I hope everyone will be rocking purple to show support to anti-bullying. That's all for now. Peace out cub scouts!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A couple tid-bits about moi!

Second post of the day! I just thought maybe I might actually discuss a little more about myself so all of my followers (the one I have right now who's actually known me for 16 years haha!) can get to know me more. Well I'm a 21 year old college student. I have no idea what I'm doing in college because to be honest I don't want to be here. But I also know I need a degree. I started off as a psych major and then realized my sophomore year how cold and cut and dry it was so I changed my major to elementary education which is what I'm still doing. Frankly I just want to get this over with and graduate. Do I want to be a teacher? No not really. Can I tolerate the thought of being a teacher? Yes. But in reality once I graduate from college I would like to take some culinary classes and business classes and open my own bakery. That's the plan and that's what will happen. Ask. Believe. Receive. It's from The Secret. That book will change your it. Also I just realized 'receive' may be the only word that I can think of that the rule "i before e except after c" applies to. Just something I realized as I was spelling it and thought I would throw that out there. We'll talk more about me later. Hope you guys enjoy my rantings! peace out cub scouts!

Spirit Day! Wear your purple everyone!

Hello all! Well I hope everyone is having a lovely day. I had work this morning at 8:30! I was exhausted but we were so slow because of the weather I got to leave at ten. I came straight home and went right back to bed. Its 100% napping weather lately! Its been pouring for two days straight so I take advantage of that and nap as much as I want. Anyways I just wanted to remind everyone that this Thursday is Spirit Day. Everyone wear purple to show they're support in the fight to stop bullying in the LGBT community as well as in every other aspect of society. For those of you who want to know more about the goings on in the LGBT community and if you want to help out and sign petitions and such please go to That will help you to branch out and will help connect you to events that may be happening in your respective area. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Frustrating til no end!

Okay so I just posted my "greeting post" but I need to post again. Go on a couple rants before bed you know? Just to get things off my chest. Okay first off I just finished a book that was lent to me. The name: Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg. If you haven't read it then please do and if you have then you have to understand where my frustration towards humanity is coming from! Okay so for those of you who haven't read this work of literary genius it's a fictional novel loosely based on the experiences of Leslie Feinberg and other members of the LGBT community throughout the 60s and 70s. The story is centered around a butch lesbian named Jess trying to survive in society and the constant pressure she feels to somehow conform as best she can without becoming someone she isn't. It also explores the disgusting amounts of emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse these women and men take from people (including police) just for trying to live their lives. After finishing this book, which I did in about two days, I contemplated what I had just read while sitting on my couch looking out the window. I did this for about five minutes, calmly got up and went to my bathroom and sobbed. Yep...bawled my eyes out. And it wasn't anything specific that happened at the end...I mean don't get me wrong there were horrendous and despicable things that I read in that book but it almost numbed me. It was so unbelievable to me I had almost no reaction. And I devoured that book so quickly I don't think I gave myself time to feel...even now as I write this I'm nauseated by the things I read in that book. And yes this book is fictional but these things happened and still happen today I'm sure. It really is disgusting what we're doing to our fellow human beings just because we are ignorant to the lifestyle they were born to live. You'll probably see a lot of posts on here discussing LGBT issues because if there's one thing in this world that can frustrate me until the end of time it would be injustices. Especially in this country..."land of the free" yep...sounds like a load of bullshit to me. Just saying.

hello world out there...

Well here it first post on my blog. (hi kayla since I'm sure you'll be the only one reading for a while so enjoy haha) In case anyone is wondering I just decided to start this blog because 1) I am way too opinionated and instead of constantly bothering my friends and family with my musings I thought I'd post them in cyberspace and 2) I am completely and utterly frustrated with most of humanity in general. Sometimes I think to myself "Why can't more people be like me?" and yes some of you would say "but that would make the world so boring." Well do you want to know what I have to say about that...actually I don't care if you won't to know or not because this is my blog and what I say goes. I think if more people thought like me and the people I surround myself with the world would be a much simpler place. I don't understand what it is with people and making life much more complicated than it has to be. Live and let live. That's what I think is best for everyone. I hope we all agree. And by all of us I mean you (as in kayla) and me.