Wednesday, April 3, 2013

…injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere…

This is a monumental time for the gay rights movement. We are on the brink of marriage equality and support throughout the United States for gay rights is at an all time high. And while this is all amazing and exciting I think we all need to take a step back. As stated above this is a monumental time for gay rights. And by gay rights I don't mean LGBT rights...well its half of the LGBT community. Exclusively the gay and lesbian half. If this marriage equality bill is passed there will be huge exclamations of joy and relief from the approximate 8 million lesbian and gay individuals in the United States. There are approximately 700,000 people who identify as transgender in the United States. And the voices of 700,000 people saying "What about us?" will be drowned out by the millions screaming "EQUALITY FINALLY!" Unfortunately we often forget about our transgender and bisexual family. Which is what we are...a huge family. And no one should be left behind in the fight for equality. We have lost our heads in this supposed fight for equal rights or gay marriage or whatever you would like to call it. We are consumed by the idea that if gay and lesbian couples acquire the right to marry the fight for equal rights is practically over when in fact we've just begun. The transgender community doesn't even have marriage on their mind, they would simply like to go to a bathroom without fearing for their lives. The thought of not being able to do something as simple as that is terrifying. I do identify as a lesbian and I agree that we need to fight for our rights as well but we need to remember this is the LGBT community not just the LG community. This marriage equality bill will barely scratch the surface of the things we need to get done. Yes if this bill passes it will allow American gay and lesbian couples to get married. But what if I choose to marry someone outside of the country? Do they become citizens as they would if it were a heterosexual couple getting married? This is where the "rights" we will be given according to this bill become cloudy. There is no such thing as being half equal or being given a half right. You either are given all your equal rights or you aren't. Even if this bill is passed there will still be no such thing as equal rights for the LGBT community. We need to take all the support we are getting as far as gay marriage and use it to rally people to lift up our transgender and bisexual brothers and sisters and everything in between. Throughout history I believe the LGBT community has been seen as a united front. All of us linked arms in our march towards equality. But somehow the lesbian and gay community have let go of some of these arms and have continued their march forward unified as the LG part of LGBT. What we need to do is stop, turn around and walk back. Walk back into the arms of our transgender and bisexual families. They are there waiting for us. They are fighting but they need our help. Yes its true, this marriage equality bill would be a huge step for the gay and lesbian community but I would prefer to take our huge step towards equality together. United. As the huge, diverse, colorful, creative and beautiful LGBT family that we are.

Monday, March 18, 2013


It has been forever since I posted here. To be honest the only reason I'm posting right now is I am so extremely frustrated and I definitely need an outlet to here it is. Lets see...moved out of the apartment I was living in with my ex and moved back in with my mom. Having to share a room with my old college roommate who is currently living at my my room mind you. Finally unpack and get everything set up only to have my mom's best friends daughter come visit for 2 months. Give up my half of my room for her and I am now staying in my mom's room with her. So there's that. I'm still in school though so on Monday morning I get up early and drive the two hours to Fort Myers and stay until Wednesday...where do I stay you ask? With my you can see this entire situation is fucked. If perhaps my ex was a normal, stable person I would be okay with staying with her. However she is not. It's much like living with two different people. She is one version of herself during the day and another at night. And we can attribute that lovely character change to alcohol...rum and coke to be specific. I used to be able to handle it...but oh man has it gotten out of hand. I can't do it's messing with my feelings and anxiety and its not worth it. On top of that a very good friend of mine kissed me the other day. BOOM out of nowhere. I hadn't explored my feelings for her in that way for so long and completely caught me off guard. I still don't know how I feel about it. Oh and she just found out her ex girlfriend is now talking to a mutual friend of theirs....who is a man. And she's obviously upset by we have yet to discuss our kiss in lieu of dealing with the drama involving her ex. Honestly if this isn't a shit show I don't know what is. So as I sit here in my old room in my old apartment blasting tegan and sara and trying to figure out my life I realize...I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. Peace out

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

365 days later...

Wow this is crazy. I literally started this blog an entire year ago. Man has this been one hell of a year. Coming out. Dating my girlfriend and now being broken up and attempting to be some skewed version of friends. Planning my life in Europe. Having one of my best friends mom pass away. Learning to be alone and be okay with it. Getting my beautiful little kitten. Working so hard to keep myself on track. Still figuring out life. Trying to get back into music. And trying to find a niche for myself in this big old world. I came across a quote today that I found extremely relevant to my life at the moment. " Life is like riding a bicycle, the only way to keep your balance is to keep moving." Keep on moving guys. Never look back. Peace out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This is my life...

Oh man do I have some things to share with you guys. So here it goes. Thursday during the day I had work and blah blah blah and after work while I was talking to some friends we decided we were going to go out. It was the first week of school and we all wanted to go out to this bar right by my school. It was newly reopened and they happen to have an incredible ten dollar all you can drink deal. Which is a challenge I accepted. So we're planning on going there and I come to find out my ex-boyfriend ( to clear up any confusion I am gay and out but this was the one and only guy I ever dated ) so anyway we found out he was going to be there too. Which is incredibly awkward simply because he hasn't spoken to me since I ended things with him, which was over a year ago, and we run in similar circles of friends. Moving on...obviously that wasn't going to stop me from going out so we're at the bar and the liquor is flowinnn. Next thing I know this kid, who I thought despised me, is hugging me and telling me he's so sorry for being an asshole and making things so awkward. You can only imagine my shock! So I'm thinking okay well now we can at least be civil and things won't be awkward. Well it was fine until he decided it would be a good idea for him to tell me, and I quote "despite everything that's happened between us I still think you're the most beautiful girl in the world" ugh I can almost hear the collective "awwww" that I'm sure has came out of a few of your mouths. Well I agree and can say that it was a very sweet thing to say but...not anything I wanted to hear out of his mouth. Would I like to hear that out of the woman that I love mouth...yes. His? Not so much. It just threw me for a loop and especially while you're drinking..not a good situation to be in. So that was weird. And on Friday I go out to another bar and see him yet again although we were more "buddies" on Friday night which was good. And on saturday I go to a friends hurricane party and he is there yet again. This is my life. If you could make some sense of it please go right ahead. Well that's all I have for you guys today. Peace out.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hey all its been a while! Well school has resumed and with that comes work as well. I work at the jamba juice on my university's campus. I'm not going to lie, I have kind of missed working. Sometimes its a pain but for the most part I work with an awesome group of girls and I really missed them. Also I think I've decided to change my major. I know I know....yet again. But I never officially changed it to resort and hospitality management. So my new major is....(drum roll please ) sociology with a minor in gender studies. Yay for gay friendly majors! So that's that. Also exciting! One of my best friends is going to London for an internship in a couple of days and I fully intend to visit her while she's there so that will be really fun! The week is almost over thankfully. So life is pretty good so far. Two of my best friends came back to school after being in Spain for 8 months! I'm so happy to have them back. Also I think I decided this morning I give up on dating. Too risky. Too complicated. No thanks. All I need are my family, best friends, my cat and my passport. Anyways...gotta go. Time to clock in. Meh...I'd rather be at the beach. But let's be positive! Alright. Peace out!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

People are pretty serious about their fried chicken!

Okay can we just discuss the ENORMOUS debate that has started due to the fact that Chick-Fil-A came out against homosexuals. Like holy shit are people getting pissed. The ironic part is that the dumb-ass Conservative Republicans feel the need to protect this company.Okay I get it...they were started by Christians and have a Christian CEO and Christians don't really...favor the put it lightly. And honestly everyone is entitled to their opinions. The real problem is that Chick-Fil-A is taking millions of dollars that they make each year and donating it to anti-gay organizations such as The WinShape Foundation, Exodus International and Family Research Council. The Exodus International website poses the question 
 "Will you help us to bring a message of Biblical truth and Christ-like compassion to a world impacted by homosexuality?" 

Um let me think about thanks. And also how about this little gem from the Family Research Council...

"Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed.  It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects."

Okay...first of all a lot of what we do now is "unnatural" I'm assuming none of these people who work for the Family Research Council (FRC) take or use any form of birth control...because guess what?! That's unnatural. Also it has negative physical and psychological health effects? Really? Because I'm pretty sure the electro-shock therapy and "straight camps" which are both used to "change" someone from gay to straight have worse psychological effects that actually being gay. Also the term psychological health effects doesn't make fucking sense. Not that anything on their entire website makes any sense. So that's nice... Okay so they also have a link to a pamphlet you can buy called "The Top Ten Harms of Same Sex Marriage" Let me just give that a chance to sink in...One of their reasons is that we would be able to put our partners as dependents on our taxes. The argument they use to support that is when the tax code was written dependents were only intended to be children and stay at home mothers. So...if you don't fit into either of those categories you're shit out of luck. It makes perfect sense to abide to these guidelines that were written who knows when instead of growing and adapting as a society. Right.... So that's may take on the Chick-Fil-A business...ignorant and useless. AND their food isn't that good and horrible for you. So basically they can suck a fat one for all I care...
Peace out 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Can I just share this with you guys please....

Okay....I'm sure everyone has heard the expression "being a third wheel" Well I completely experienced that last night. And its even funnier because it wasn't like the two people I was with were making me feel awkward I was kind of doing it to myself. So basically its my roommate and this guy she's kind of dating/talking to...well yeah he came over to our apartment. I've meant him...I don't know...maybe twice. Okay so he comes over and just sits on the couch and doesn't really say much. My roomie is trying to make conversation etc and I tried a bit too but he just kinda responds to her. So I give up and decided to just dive head first into my awkwardness. It just comes so naturally to me and I kind of love it. So I'm standing in the kitchen and I start chomping away on half of a raw green pepper. Mind you I didn't start doing this to be really weird but I realized after a couple of "what the fuck are you doing" glares from my roommate that I was being kind of weird. But its fine...I embrace it. Oh and I also shared with them both that raw peppers are like "nature's toothbrush". Yep. Not that that wasn't enough I decided I'm going to make kale chips...its like 10:30 at night at this point. Oh! and also, totally forgot to share this, we happen to be watching mean girls...yes. Mean Girls. You read that right. After I make the kale chips I offer him some, not wanting to be rude of course. He hates them...naturally. Shortly after I retreated to my bedroom to watch youtube videos on this girls' vlog who I now decided is my future wife. So I think I succeeded in making that sufficiently awkward. So now this kid think I'm a weird vegetarian hippie who also happens to be a homo...I mean if that doesn't sum me up as a person I don't know what does. Hope you enjoyed that! Peace out cub scouts. Actually side note...not gonna say cub scouts anymore because apparently they happen to be homophobic pricks. So....just peace out.